Experienced Advocate And Tenacious Defender Of Your Rights In The Fight For Just Compensation.

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Slip And FallsInjured As The Result Of A Slip And Fall? California Law May Protect Your Injuries.

If you’ve recently slipped and fallen on another’s property, there’s a good chance you’re suffering on many fronts. Not only are you experiencing significant physical pain and limitations that cause a range of emotions such as frustration, sadness, and perhaps even depression, but you likely also have incurred a considerable financial burden between treatment for your injuries and lost wages from being out of work.

These consequences, no doubt still difficult, would be somewhat understandable if the accident that brought them was due to your own negligence. But suffering because of someone else’s negligence adds an entire other layer of frustration and injustice. Fortunately, your situation may be protected by state law, providing you with a mechanism by which you can seek to be made whole.

Your Choice

The Law Offices of David A. Kaufman, APC., based in La Jolla, CA, has helped people throughout California with slip and fall accidents for years. Our slip and fall injury compensation lawyers know the law, what makes a solid slip and fall injury claim, and what it takes to get a healthy award for our clients. We can guarantee we’ll bring this knowledge and experience to your case, too.

Find It Impossible To Deal With Insurance Companies?

If you’ve never brought a claim before an insurance company and find it difficult to deal with insurance companies as it is, you’ll likely find the slip and fall injury claim process to be a complete nightmare.

It’s more common than not for insurance companies to work overtime, so to speak, in situations like these to undermine the strength of your claim and reduce, if not entirely avoid, paying out anything to you. Goes against the entire point of the existence of insurance companies, doesn’t it?

Partnering with a slip and fall lawyer, especially one from The Law Offices of David A. Kaufman, APC., means you won’t have to. We’ll handle all interactions you’d otherwise have to endure—on top of already suffering physically because of your injury—when dealing with them.

How We Make It Happen

Knowing the impacts that injuries from a slip and fall accident can have, our slip and fall injury compensation lawyers are fully committed to seeing you flourish once again. We assist you to this end in the following key ways:

We dig into the evidence, gathering it all to construct a bullet-proof defense.

Our slip and fall liability lawyers provide dedicated guidance and representation as your case unfolds.

We stand ready to litigate your case should we be unable to secure a fair settlement that compensates for the losses you’ve suffered from your injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Take The First Step To Be Made Whole Today

If you’ve been injured in a slip-and-fall accident, don’t convince yourself there’s simply nothing that can be done or that you should have just been more careful. It may be within your rights in California to exercise recourse and seek compensation. But failing to do so within the statute of limitations could mean you forfeit this right.

Don’t keep Googling slip and fall lawyer near me. Email or call The Law Offices of David A. Kaufman, APC. at (619) 865 8648 today and schedule a free consultation. Our slip and fall liability lawyers will assess your case and develop their plan of attack to serve as a framework for fighting for your rights and helping you obtain the compensation you deserve. Take the first step toward being made whole with a simple phone call now.

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