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A man holds up a paper with the words You're fired - Law Offices of David A. Kaufman, APC.
  • By: David Kaufman, Esq.
  • Published: February 5, 2024

Chances are, after being fired, you may feel helpless or lost; you might even feel angry or vengeful. The good news is that if your employer broke the law by firing you, they are guilty of wrongful termination. If this is the case, they can be punished through a claim they will either have to settle or face you in court over. This article explains: Where, when and how you can make wrongful termination claims against your employer after getting fired. The deadlines for filing a wrongful termination claim in California. The potential outcomes for a wrongful termination claim, from settlements to lawsuits. What Are Workplace Retaliation And Discrimination Wrongful Terminations? If you have been fired, it might have been perfectly legal, if highly inconvenient and disrupting. But there is also a chance it was an illegal move by your employer. Workplace retaliation is one of two big categories of illegal firings (or wrongful terminations, in legal terminology). It occurs…Read More

An image of an employment agreement signed with a pen - Law Offices of David A. Kaufman, APC.
  • By: David Kaufman, Esq.
  • Published: February 5, 2024

Few things are as important to our daily lives as our jobs. Employment can determine everything from your standard of living to medical care options. It is what we spend our days doing and, hopefully, adds meaning and passion to our lives while helping us care for our loved ones. But all of that can come crashing down in an instant. The words “You are fired” or “Sorry, we have to let you go” haunt our nightmares. This article explains what kinds of legal options are available to employees in California, including: The most common kinds of employment claims and disputes in California. How “employment-at-will” affects your right to bring wrongful termination claims in California. What you should do (and who you should talk to) if you feel your rights are being or were violated in the workplace. When Should I Reach Out To A California Employment Or Termination Claim Attorney? Being fired is one of the most humiliating and…Read More

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